Tuesday 12 July 2016

The sky that Wavers~

Madhav Johri[c]

Over the years everything has changed.
People have lost the essence of their existence. Relations are not able to withstand the strong winds and adversities.

The skies and the tombs have witnessed every act since ages. From the couples who danced and twirled in front of the white eternal beauty and by the banks of river Ganges-to- the kids who lively played with coloured balls and sat on the green grass; it has been an eye-bearer for all.
The sky above has changed too. It throws various shades as the day sets in and commences. It lights up the entire night with its shining beauty and the entire day with its golden fierce piece. 

It is never uni-coloured. It reflects all emotions and feelings in a single picture;
From love and hatred to happiness and grief. 

The minarets have changed in colour but its base remains the same. It has seen infinite happy duos being withered into bits and pieces and seen lost wandering souls meeting and remaining entwined forever. It has smiled and showered love for each live born and cried for those who lost their childhood, their innocence. Lost their childhood owing to this society, their mistakes and wrong decisions.

Love is something it describes the best. It is a real life epitome of the same. But had it been just regarding love, then wouldn't have everything been so different? Indeed.

The sky becomes orange and purple as the night approaches. Purple- for the melancholic and love broke souls and Orange- for the fortunate ones. 

But isn't loving about sacrificing? Isn't it about letting go for someone else's happiness? Every relation is a mix of oranges and purples; the sacrificer and the lover. 
Loving is not just about flowers or those romantic dialogues. It's beyond that. It's beyond what happens in humanity. Had love not been about sacrificing, everything would have been so vague. 
Sacrifice- of the creators of the wondrous minarets, who gave up their hands without even thinking about their life. Sacrifice- of the creators, who gave up on their love.

Isn't this what we actually are doing? Letting our loved ones free? Going away from them, distancing from them for their own happiness? Isn't it love when we sacrifice our love to let go of the person we love and let them be with someone they love?

Perhaps we are just like the purple clouds wandering above. 

Wandering to find and seek love. Wandering to be loved by the ones we want. Wandering to let the Oranges outshine. Wandering and sacrificing for them. 
For them to be happy and whole.

Behind the lens: Madhav Johri

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